Articles, tutorials and other stuff related to my many doings at Stardock.

The entire north-eastern US power grid has gone offline. Object Desktop subscribers should still be able to get their software as the main servers are outside the affected area - however, the main Stardock website appears to be down, as are news and IRC servers. Service will be resumed when the power is - for now, sit tight. Update: is now back online. Still no news or IRC

Added note by KarmaGirl: Please note that this also effects our online store, creating accounts and certain database functions due to the in-house database functions.  Unfortunately, local communications have been effected by this.  Some areas are out of phones due to powers surges destroying equipment.  It is doubtful that if we brought Stardock up on power that we would be able to connect out to restore internet connectivity.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 14, 2003
Good luck to everyone in the affected area... it's a hot day and until the power comes back on it'll just get hotter.  The news here said power should be restored in about two hours, if that's true it won't be too bad. I hope you all come through it okay...
on Aug 14, 2003
DavidK & 'Reaper, Thanks so much for this update/information....I live in Huntington Bch, CA & everything seems to working OK on my end...hope the folks cut-off back east are restored soon!
on Aug 14, 2003
I just finished a SysMetrix skin when the power went out. I was about to take the screenshot when my sound system farted and everything went black. It's all better now, so, I can actually upload it...
on Aug 14, 2003
Ya I was hit. but It didn't last long.
on Aug 14, 2003
Ah. Good to know, Reaper. I was wondering about that.
on Aug 14, 2003
Oh Guys! I work in New York! That was a disaster! Manhattan was a mess! I had to walk from downtown, (I work just in front of were the twin towers stood) to grand Central Terminal, then we had to rent a car because I live in CT, Trumbull and one of my friends that work with me lives in stamford CT. We rented the car and we couldn't move because the traffic was a chaos. I didn't see police no where, Just normal people directing the traffic. Now it's 11:18 PM and I just got home! I will let you know the details tomorrow! Now I'm just tired!
The only thing I can say now is that New York is not prepared for an emergency!
on Aug 15, 2003
Keeping all night watch o make sure y'all are safe Just wish I had my graphics program down here to skin while I stand watch...

Well wishes to those involved in the black out...
on Aug 15, 2003
sucks to be you if oyu live in the northeast... really sucks... uh.. sorry, and all that stuff
on Aug 15, 2003
Yeah. Power flickered here, went out for 2 mins, and was right back on.

All my best to those still stuck in it.
on Aug 15, 2003
good luck to all of ya out there
on Aug 15, 2003
Hope you guys get things sorted soo.....oh, hang on, you can't read this.
on Aug 15, 2003
I live in the power grid that was effected, but I live much SW of Detroit area (I live 55 miles from Stardock...yes, I commute quite a bit).  I'm obviously at home right now since Stardock is still without power   Since I have a different power company than most of Southern Michigan, my power has been restored.  It has been off and on, though.  I feel really bad for those in the metro Detroit area as water supplies are running low at this point.  I live in the country, so I have a well.  Ironically, since I have a generator, as do most of my neighbors, we are not the area in need, but we are the ones with power.  Even if those in metro detroit have generated power, they still wouldn't have water
on Aug 15, 2003
Best thing about being raised in Texas and living in the south. We have backouts all the time in bad weather months. Blackouts aren't anything for us.
on Aug 15, 2003
Well, my section of Toronto had the power restored around 3 am. Our Premier has declared a state of emergency, so I can't go into work today, what a shame....NOT.
on Aug 15, 2003
I live in NY and still had no power in my area when I left for work this morning. Only 60% of Long Island had power as of this morning. Lucky (sarcasm) for me work has power this morning.
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