Articles, tutorials and other stuff related to my many doings at Stardock.

The entire north-eastern US power grid has gone offline. Object Desktop subscribers should still be able to get their software as the main servers are outside the affected area - however, the main Stardock website appears to be down, as are news and IRC servers. Service will be resumed when the power is - for now, sit tight. Update: is now back online. Still no news or IRC

Added note by KarmaGirl: Please note that this also effects our online store, creating accounts and certain database functions due to the in-house database functions.  Unfortunately, local communications have been effected by this.  Some areas are out of phones due to powers surges destroying equipment.  It is doubtful that if we brought Stardock up on power that we would be able to connect out to restore internet connectivity.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 15, 2003
I live near Detroit (south east michigan), and we just got back power. They say by monday all power should be restored.

Also: parts of california, washington, missisipi, utah, indiana, ohio, michigan, new york, and some canadiam cities were all affected.
on Aug 15, 2003

I'm out of luck here.  Power was out all night. power is still out today.  Phones have stopped working too.

CNN says power won't be back on here in Michigan until Sunday!

So how am I posting? Battery laptop and battery powered cellphone!

on Aug 15, 2003
Parts of Michigan are getting their power back on. I live 25 miles from Stardock. My power came back on at 7:30 this morning, but neighbors 3 miles away still don't have any power more than 3 hours later. Livonia is still a ghost town.

There have been wonderful stories of people helping each other. Sharing gas, food and comfort. I was stuck with three containers of melting ice cream. Fortunately my neighbors helped to eat it!

Stay safe everybody.
on Aug 15, 2003
MadIce hopes things will be back to normal for all of you soon.
on Aug 15, 2003
Larry, I definately would have helped with the Ice Cream. In my younger day I probably could have handled 2 of the containers myself.
on Aug 15, 2003
Ya I was one of the 50 million people out of power, I live in Watkins Glen, NY. You may have heard of that town, because the race was held there a week ago. But we lost power till 12:00PM last night. POWER LOSS SUCKS, its amazing what you take for granted when you loose power. LIKE WINCUSTOMIZE.COM!!
on Aug 15, 2003
Still no power for my house (NY) at 3pm eastern time today (Friday).
on Aug 15, 2003
life just ain't the same without #wincustomize or #stardock :snif: :snif:
on Aug 15, 2003
Rich, e-mail me aim or msn
on Aug 15, 2003
i live in maryland and there was no power out here but i dont no anyway hope all power get back soon.
on Aug 15, 2003
Stardock has power now.....but the internet is down   I guess a whole lotta' stuff was effected by this
on Aug 15, 2003
Hmm. This reminds of an episode on Bewitched. Clara thought she made a blackout the whole neighborhood. The power went here. The lights came back on. What time did this happened? Was it dark or light out?
on Aug 15, 2003
Aw! Nevermind. I read the thread. It happened night time. Vermont lost power. Came back on. Sorry about that.
on Aug 15, 2003
this is rockinmike from central new york reporting in after a long 28 hr delay we are now back online. Gave me a chance to finally start working on my first windowblind.
on Aug 15, 2003

It was nice having the peace and quite in NYC for a while. Not all of us have power but y house just got it.

Too bad about Stardock and stuff... Do downloads??? No Uploads?? AND its a Friday!
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